The Benefits and Drawbacks of Ozone Water Treatment

Ozonation is a popular method of water treatment used to purify drinking water and industrial water systems. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of ozone water treatment.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Ozone Water Treatment

Ozonation is a widely used water treatment process, used to purify drinking water and industrial water systems. It has been utilized commercially since 1904, and is a powerful oxidizing agent. While ozone has many advantages, such as its wide pH range and its capacity to eliminate odors, chlorine, iron and bacteria, it also has some drawbacks that should be taken into consideration. One of the main cons of ozone water treatment is its cost.

Ozone is relatively expensive to produce and requires both capital and energy. Additionally, it is not cost-effective for poor quality wastewater. Ozone is also highly reactive and toxic, so contactor exhaust gases must be destroyed to avoid worker exposure. Another disadvantage of ozone water treatment is that it can create carcinogenic by-products if there is bromine in the water.

This implies that dechlorination is not necessary, but bromate can form. Ozone can also have side effects if people are exposed to it for long periods of time, such as headaches, dry throat and itchy eyes. Heavy metals can only be completely eliminated if ozone water treatment is combined with mechanical filtration. This means that the cost of treatment can be relatively high.

Additionally, ozonized water does not contain chlorine or chlorinated disinfection byproducts, so it may not be as effective as other methods of water purification. Despite these drawbacks, ozone water treatment has many benefits. It is a powerful disinfectant that can kill all forms of bacteria, viruses and pathogens, making the water completely safe to drink. It also has antioxidant properties, leading to a number of health benefits for people who drink ozonized water regularly. In conclusion, ozone water treatment is an effective way to purify drinking water and industrial water systems.

However, it is important to consider the cost and potential side effects before using this method of water purification.

Lance Vassallo
Lance Vassallo

Subtly charming bacon junkie. Incurable food fan. Devoted zombie guru. Hipster-friendly social media practitioner. Devoted beer enthusiast. Incurable web guru.